Remember when you were a kid and you dreamed about summer vacation? You couldn't wait to hang out, relax and have zero responsibility. Those were the days when you could stay in your jammies until noon, go to the pool every day, play outside, go to the mall, spend a week at the beach. Those were the days.
Well. . . I may not be a kid anymore but I am in the middle of my summer vacation and I feel just like a kid again. Thursday evening I finished my first summer course (online. . . love online courses) and my month long summer break began. I have never truly appreciated a break like this before. Last summer was my first time not working or in school but having just moved across country and taking care of a newborn I didn't really get to enjoy the season. I went back to school last August and didn't get a single break from school because I am taking winter/summer school in order to graduate when I want.
I am making sure to take full advantage of my summer vacay! Danny and I have been to the pool every day since I turned in my final assignment for the last course I was in. We have gone to the mall, gone on runs every day. We are having a great time. I feel incredibly blessed to have this time to spend with just my son, I don't have to take him to the sitter, I'm not stressed about writing papers or doing extra readings, I'm not up all night taking care of any of those things. Once my son is in bed for the night my husband and I actually get to spend some quality time together.
Just stopping to smell the roses :)
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