Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I'm sure you all think Layla is real cute.

REAL cute.

Layla 11/28/12 4:30 am

But that little face isn't so cute at 4:30 IN THE MORNING!!!

She wasn't angry, hungry, grumpy, and least of all, tired! She just wanted to party.

I'm all for parties, just not at 4:30 am. This girl thinks it is perfectly acceptable for her mother to function on about 3 1/2 hours of sleep every day. Not cool, Layla, not cool. By the time she wound down and fell back asleep Danny was up and ready to party. So here we are, nap time, for one of the kids and I have already put in a nine-hour day.

Just a day in the life.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

There are so many things to be thankful for.

Like this. . .

Thanksgiving 2012. Pop Pop and Danny.
 And these two. . .
Thanksgiving 2012. Stephen and Layla.

This little guy is amazing.

Danny 11/20/2012
 And that smile melts my heart.
Layla 11/20/2012
 I have a lot of things going on that I wish weren't. Stress, worry, family feuds etc. But I have so much more to be thankful for. My husband and children are so incredible and that is enough to live every day full of love and happiness.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Layla's Birthstory

Okay people, here it is, the birth story. Written in my own words, my own voice, with no regard for sound or style. This is how I would tell you the story if you asked me in person :)

Layla's Birth Story

The morning of September 23rd, 2012 I woke up and felt a contraction while lying in bed. I didn't think anything of the contraction because I had been having them in the mornings before getting out of bed, but nothing ever came from them. I was happy that I felt something, since I hadn't felt anything since my midwife appointment several days earlier. I got out of bed and began getting myself and Danny ready for church and running errands after Mass. I felt a few more contractions, which surprised me because I hadn't felt a legitimate contraction other than in bed during the whole pregnancy. 

Layla two days old
We went to church and then to run errands. While we were shopping I felt a few more contractions. These contractions actually hurt a little, I kept wanting to describe them to my husband as “more than uncomfortable,” but I didn't want to get my hopes up that I was going into labor. I was four days past my due date and was trying to come to terms with the fact that we had scheduled an induction for the upcoming Friday. I had four days to go into labor on my own or I would be going down the long induction road that I had so hoped to avoid.

The contractions continued throughout the day, painful, but not killer, and they were not coming in any kind of pattern. We finished our errands and went home. I cleaned up the house and did some laundry, then Stephen spent time raking the yard while I swept the decks and watered flowers. My sister decided to come over for dinner, before she came I called her and told her “just in case” to bring some clothes to sleep in, that I was having contractions, “I didn't think it was labor,” but didn't want her to drive all the way to our house and end up staying over without anything she needed, in the off chance we had a baby tonight. By four o'clock my sister had been over for an hour or so, we were playing with Danny, and I was definitely having painful contractions in a regular pattern. As I was making dinner I started tracking the action on my husbands iphone. The contractions were coming about 8 minutes apart and lasting 30-45 seconds. It wasn't time to call the midwife, but I was definitely in labor. I didn't think I would be having a baby that night, but probably early the next morning.

The contractions kept coming, through dinner and getting Danny bathed they got more intense and lasted longer. While I was bathing Danny I had some really painful contractions, I actually had to stop what I was doing until they were over. Again, I was finally convinced I was in labor, but I didn't think it was going to happen soon because I felt totally fine during the breaks, and the breaks were lasting more than five minutes. I decided to put Danny to bed myself, thinking it might be the last time I put him to bed without a baby distracting me, I took special care and time getting him down that night.

Layla one week old.

When Danny was out for the night I decided I should time the contractions again. I found they were coming every five minutes, but lasting 60 seconds each. This meant it was time to call the midwife, if it kept up for an hour. Before I could get to an hour I began to feel a little bit of pressure (I kept thinking I needed to go to the bathroom, but I didn't). I also realized that I was having shorter contractions in between each that came every five minutes. By this time it was past nine o'clock, I decided to call the midwife and see what she thought. When the midwife on call, Shaina, called me back we talked about what was going on. She said, very much to my surprise, that I could head to the birth center if I wanted to. She said not to rush, but that it sounded like I was heading into active labor. I couldn't believe she wanted me to come in, I was talking to her on the phone and was perfectly calm and feeling fine, I was only in pain during contractions, but I had a nice break between each. I told my husband (who didn't even know I had called Shaina), that it was time to head to the center. We didn't have to rush, so we checked my bags and put some laundry away before we left. I also gave my sister a thousand instructions and tips on how to deal with Danny in the morning when he realized we weren't there.

By the time we got to the birth center it was about 10:45 pm, Shaina met us at the door and led us into the birth center. It was so weird to see the midwife office and birth center at night, with no one there. Shaina checked me and found that I was 8 cm dilated! I was so shocked, I kept thinking it was going to be a long drawn out labor, but I was already so far along. I felt so happy that I had done so much earlier in the day, I was sure that I helped myself out big time by keeping busy all day. Shaina said that she could break my water if I wanted, but warned that it would make contractions come much stronger and closer. I decided against that, thinking that it would just make labor harder and might not speed it up. I changed into my cute red nursing night gown and headed to the family area of the birth center. There was no one else there, and the family area was the only place that had a TV, my husband figured that since I was still feeling good we might as well watch the Ravens game.

I sat on the birth ball and got ready to watch football. It wasn't more than ten minutes when I suddenly had the worst back pain of my life, compiled with a killer contraction. I kind of started to freak out, my pain essentially went from zero to HOLY CRAP in a matter of seconds. I asked Shaina to fill the tub, thinking it would feel less bad to have contractions in the water. As she went to fill the tub I started feeling the worst contraction I could have imagined with a ton of pressure. I asked Stephen to help me to the bathroom where I sat down and felt a big pop. I obviously knew it was my water breaking, but it wasn't really clicking with me since there was no gush of water. I think her head must have been too low for the water to gush out like it often does. I got into the tub, even before it was finished filling up, because I just felt like I had to do something. I thought the water would make a world of difference. It didn't, but it did give me a tiny bit of relief. It was weird, I was so set on doing something in that moment, something to find relief. Now I know it was just time to have a baby, and nothing was going to make it not hurt.

Like I said, I was kind of freaking out at this point. I couldn't get in the zone that I had thought I would so easily get into when it was time to push. I wanted to get my mind to a place where I just breathed through the pain and worked through it, but I couldn't! The pain was so bad that I couldn't focus on my hypnobirthing breathing that I had practiced for so many months. Shaina checked me while I was in the tub, to “make sure I was at 10cm and ready to push), and she said “oh, her head is right there.” At this point I was on my knees with my head down, just trying to get into my zone. I remember telling Shaina “I am a numbers girl, how many contractions is this going to take.” She said I could get her out in 1, I said “ok, good, now that I know it is almost over I know I can do this.” It is kind of a blur everything that was said and done after this. I remember being really annoyed at Stephen and Shaina, because they were laughing, not at me, but at things I was saying. Stephen was probably teasing me, and I snapped at him stop laughing at me. I asked for my water and Stephen jumped up to go get it and I about had a cow because I didn't want Stephen to leave. I remember telling Shaina that I liked her, but I needed Stephen to not leave :). When Shaina came back I apologized to her because I thought that I was about to start cursing like a sailor. She laughed and said she has heard it all. I just didn't want her to think that I usually talk like that. I was also annoyed because Shaina told me I had to be on my back to push. This only annoyed me because I had seen a video of a friends water birth, she was so calm and relaxed—and on her knees that I had it in my head that it would be more comfortable. But birthing in a tub instead of a pool doesn't allow for that. 

Layla two weeks old.
 It was time to push, and all I can say is man, epidurals are amazing (I had one with Danny and didn't feel a thing). I couldn't really focus on pushing because the pain was so bad, but somehow I did pushed. **Side note, at this point I just wanted to let my body push her out, but I was pretty much being coached to push. I wish I had discussed with the midwives at the practice that I might want to just let my body do the work because I really didn't feel like I was pushing right, and I know she would have come out on her own if I just let my body do its job.** Stephen and Shaina kept trying to cheer me on, and to be honest, it annoyed me so much. I knew what I needed to do to get the baby out, I didn't need them to remind me. I wanted to tell them both to shut up, but of course I didn't. One push and Layla was right there, ready to come out. Two pushes and I asked Shaina if it was ok if I screamed, she said yes, I screamed. At first I was embarrassed to be screaming, and I never thought I would share with other people that I did, but it really helped me to focus on pushing, for some reason it was the release that I needed to actually push effectively. Three pushes and her head was out (I didn't know this), I asked if I could take a break and Stephen was like “Ella, her head is out, you have to push.” Four pushes and Layla Beverly made her grand entrance into the world at 11:22 pm, not even an hour after we arrived at the birth center.

According to the birth record I was checked at 11:10 and was 10cm, and began pushing at 11:15, so that long paragraph you just read was only seven minutes worth of real life.
Layla was immediately put in my arms where she decided to poop on me. . .at least she waited till she came out to do her business. It was so surreal holding her the second she was born. She was all wet and clean, and just kind of squirmed on my chest and let out a few little cries. She was perfect <3. After a minute or two Stephen cut her cord and took Layla so Shaina could help me get out of the tub and in bed.

It was such a surreal experience! Childbirth is an incredible and surreal experience no matter how it occurs, but for me, having Layla without medication, in a birth center, with just my husband and midwife there was such an incredible experience. The whole thing was just so real and natural. As incredible as it was, it was also no big deal. I had a baby, people have been having babies for as long as the world has existed, there wasn't any unnecessary hooplah. It was amazing.

The best part about the birthing center was that we got to go home almost immediately. We only stayed long enough for me to get myself together and have Layla checked out. We live about 30 minutes from the birth center and were home before 2am on Sept. 24th.

I am so happy that I got to experience a natural birth like I so wanted. I doubted myself throughout my whole pregnancy because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do it, but I did and I am grateful.

Layla Beverly Bray Rice
7 lbs 5 oz 21 ½ inches
September 23rd, 2012 11:22 pm

Lay Lay two weeks old.

Potty Training

We aren't exactly hard core potty training right now. With a new baby (the reason why I have blogged only twice in two months) it is nearly impossible to try to potty train Danny.

If Layla were the easy baby Danny was then it might be different, but this little firecracker of a baby girl is the complete opposite. She doesn't like to be left alone while awake, so when Danny would have loved to sit in the swing to pass the time, Layla will claw your eyes out if you so much as glance in the direction of the swing while she is awake.

She is her own little person with her own personality. I don't know why I thought she would be so much like her brother. She doesn't even like to nurse for any reason other than nourishment--Danny would nurse to calm down regardless of how long it had been since he had a full nursing session.

We, the four of us, are all starting to adjust and learn how to live as a family of four, where Danny is still king, but now we have a queen. We are even able to enjoy our little Layla now that she isn't nearly as fussy as she was for the first several weeks.

BUT. . .

If one other person points out that "I need to get that kid potty trained" I might be tempted to throw one of his dirty diapers at them. Obviously, I don't like wiping his butt anymore than the next guy, but it isn't as easy as people think. My son likes sitting in a dirty diaper, and until his sister learns to be a little more content on her own I can't exactly do potty bootcamp.

But oh the day will come. . .